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Week 13

In week 13, we finally finalized the project out of the 4 options. All group members decided to make an color candy sorter on a zoom meeting. Joana our teammate texted sir on Microsoft Teams regarding the idea, we got the conformation from Judhi Sir to proceed with the idea. During our class on 20th January, we researched about the project structure, circuit & wiring, code and items & tools required for the color candy sorter.

We were asked to make an project proposal & weekly report. During the class, tasks were divided and assigned among the group members. we made a

schedule table for each tasks based on the


In this week, we also explained and presented our project idea to Judhi Sir and classmates.

Week 1 Report:

All group members finalized the topic and researched about the topic.

We created the circuit diagram and the report, where we assigned the task between all group members, and created the list of all the parts required for the construction and execution of the project.

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